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News Release

September 20, 2010

NATO Veterans Organization of Canada agrees with the Ministers that there are still areas for improvement in "looking after our serving uniformed members and veterans" - that is old and “new modern veterans”.

The mention that there will be "further changes "by both Ministers to this "living Charter" is encouraging

Hopefully these future changes will include the "lump sum payment" reconciled with the pension issue. It is not an "either /or" issue! This is the number one issue now in our view.

Also with the abolition of Veterans hospitals, the older veterans are going on a waiting list. We would like to see this addressed as well.

Finally everything in the news release is about veterans not being able to work but, some have managed to restart their lives. The medical problems these people might have could be physical or mental and resurface from the bumps and grind of daily living. The mental problems anticipated in the future are alarming - have we social workers trained in this area that are veterans or understand veterans?

The three areas addressed in the Announcent by both Ministers on Sunday 19 Sept - definitely a step in the right direction.

A start!

We await the next announcement.

Gordon Jenkins, president
35 Biscayne Crescent
Ottawa Ontario K2E 5R9