NATO Crest


Press Release

Updated - April 11 2013

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For Immediate Release

OTTAWA. ONTARIO (April 11, 2013)


The NATO Veterans Organization is pleased to hear that the Prime Minister has asked National Defence officials to re-examine the intent to reduce danger pay to Canadian Forces members deployed on missions such as Afghanistan. These brave men and women represent Canada’s modern day veteran.

We were extremely troubled by reports yesterday that the Department of National Defence was seeking to eliminate the danger pay Canadian Forces personnel currently receive while deployed in Afghanistan. While cost containment is a stated aim of the Government, NVOC firmly believes that we cannot afford to see this done on the backs of our soldiers – the very people that the Government sends into harm’s way. Let us as a country recognize their efforts and not nickel and dime them for the important contributions that they make.

That the recommendation came from an ‘inter-ministerial panel of civil servants’ is also troubling as it questions their rationale in thinking that this would a good decision in supporting the deployed CF personnel and also one that the Canadian public would find palatable. It is frankly unacceptable and misguided to think that the conditions in Afghanistan are peaceful and secure and to think that our CF personnel are not in dangers way. Shame on the bureaucrats.

CF personnel deserve the remuneration for the dangers that they face on our behalf. Let us not forget the sacrifices that they have already made, make now, and continue to make in placing themselves in harm’s way in the name of freedom and democracy. NVOC will continue its efforts to see that the modern day veteran is recognized and treated with dignity and respect by a grateful country.

For media enquiries please contact
Gordon Jenkins
E mail :
Phone 613 723 1581



Last modified

April 11 2013


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